Sculpting on the iPad

While the class were busily engaged experimenting with Mudbox on their desktop computers, I opened 123D Sculpt on the iPad and created this. The text was added using TitleFX.

It really is incredible what can be achieved using the iPad, and the app creators just keep coming up with more powerful apps all of the time.

Mix and Match iPad Comic Creation

Wow, I haven’t posted for quite a while. Firstly I got sidetracked doing some 3D modeling, then I got distracted when I bought an iPod and started playing with some art apps on that. I haven’t yet managed to create anything post worthy on the iPod, but some apps are showing promise. I applaud those who use the iPod exclusively for their drawing and painting.

Anyway,  I’ve been back on the iPad playing with some new apps (well, new to me) and this is the result

In case anybody is interested, here is how it was done.

Using the app ‘MasterFX‘, I created the image below.


This was then pulled into ‘ToonCamera‘ and modified to produce the next image


This image was then used in ‘Comic Maker‘ to produce the dummy comic page at the top of this post. I am really pleased with the final result, what do you think? Please leave a reply in the comments, if you like.